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Visual Transit Simulator

This project was part of my senior year computer science capstone course. The professor provided the Javascript code and my teammates and I did most of the Java code which can be found in the src/main/java/edu/umn/cs/csci3081w/project/ folder. The objective of the code was to create the backend code to run a virtual transit simulator of the bus and train routes on the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus. The white circles represent stops on the lines, hovering over the circles represents the number of people waiting at the stop at that given moment. The moving colored elipses represent the transportation vehicles. Hovering over these will show the number of people on the vehicle, the maximum number of people that can be on the vehicle, and the CO2 impact. One can adjust the simulation via the controls on the left of the page. The operation system simulator keeps track of each step in the simulation. Follow the steps below to run the simulation.

Running the VTS software

To run the VTS software, you have to first start the simulator module and then start the visualization module. To start the simulator module, run ./gradlew appRun. To start the visualization module, open a browser and paste this link http://localhost:7777/project/web_graphics/project.html in its search bar. To stop the simulator module, press the enter/return key in the terminal where you started the module. To stop the visualization module, close the tab of browser where you started the module. In rare occasions, you might experience some issues in starting the simulator module because a previous instance of the module is still running. To kill old instances, run ps aux | grep gretty | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -L 1 kill and this command will terminate previous instances.